Tuesday, May 12, 2009

My New- My Biggest Loser Blog....

Blogger has been a great way for me to get started with blogging and I will try to still post here on occasion but I have a new website:
Oaks Blogs
and the first blog that I started on my new website was
My Biggest Loser Blog
The reason? Well I was reading that when you blog here that Blogger owns your content. True or not? I don't know but I hate the idea of building my blog and working all of the hours that I have here just to have someone else own it.
I also have read that with a wordpress blog and my own domain that I will have doors open to me that I never could here as far as apps and advertising to build my subscribers.
Whether that is true or not I cannot say at this point but I will say that at Oaks Blogs I can go in to My Biggest Loser Blog and see how much traffic and where it is coming from. Just in the last 2 days I have had a LOT of traffic and it is nice to be able to see where it is coming from.
So, if you like this blog about Biggest Loser and you prefer to keep coming here to check it out then that is fine- I will try to post bits and pieces here and there- at least for now. BUT, if you want the newest and ALL of my posts as well as being able to vote my newest polls and more then you need to come over and check out my new My Biggest Loser Blog
It is still pretty new to me and I am learning about wordpress and how to use all of the apps that I have installed so please bear with me but as much traffic as I have had in 2 days it would have taken about 5 days here. And it is a brand new site, brand new domain. If this rate of growth continues then I can see my new My Biggest Loser Blog being HUGE within a very short time.
Now, if you want to see what I have posted about what Ron told Helen and about WHY some Biggest Loser contestants gain the weight back then run on over to my new My Biggest Loser Blog and check out my new posts there.
Also, can't wait to see the Biggest Loser finale tonight! Plan on blogging over at my new My Biggest Loser Blog after the show so you might want to check that out.
I want to thank you all for your support since I started this blog and I want you to know that this is not the end of our visits- we are just moving them to my new home over at Oaks Blogs
It might look a bit different but we can still sit down and chat about Biggest Loser, the contestants and losing weight the same as we have here
See you later! :0))

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